Importance of clocking

There is a lot of talk that external clocks because of the distance to the processor don‘t work. This is the opposite of my experience. While I had used an external Antelope rubidium clock,on my Etherregen and Zodiac Platinum Dac, I have now added a Lhy Audio UIP clocked by the same Antelope Clock to reclock the USB stream emanating from the InnuOS Zenith MkIII. The resultant increase in soundstage depth, attack an decay and overall transparency isn‘t subtle. While there seems to be lots of focus on cables, accurate clocking throughout the chain seems still deemed unnecessary. I don‘t understand InnuOS‘ selling separate reclockers for USB and Ethernet without synchronising Ethernet input, DAC conversion and USB output.


@mikhailark On your point about local file playback, Roy Gregory was surprised to find a similar improvement with his Wadax server/streamer (see page 5 here I agree with his hypothesis that if there is less RFI going into a server/streamer via the ethernet connection then that will logically affect even local file playback.

Re RFI, I mean both. Yes a switch generates its own RFI but steps can be taken to minimise that generation and the massive reduction a good switch makes to reducing incoming and therefore "net" RFI is clearly audible.

Disclosure: as per my profile, I design and build switches for audio purposes so I have spent loads of time working out what can/does and can’t/doesn’t make a difference to sound quality.

My key point in contributing to this thread is not to argue the merits of various RFI-mitigating approaches (that has been and can be discussed elsewhere). Here I simply wanted to point out the clear difference between clocking in the asynchronous ethernet domain and clocking in the synchronous bitstream domain.

Thanks @antigrunge2. I had missed this update and am in process of installing.

However, I'm not sure I understand the "standalone" point you mention or what this has to do with clocking. Could you expand? Thanks and apologies


Thanks @antigrunge2. Unfortunately changing to this mode still leaves the physical network connection in place if you stream AND play local files so the challenges and the possible solutions remain pertinent.