For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?

I try to be considerate when I play my music but recently I put footers under the spikes of my speakers very highly recommended here. People claiming improvements in sound and a godsend when you need to move them to get behind certain components. I was listening to music and in the middle of a cut I paused my cd transport placed the new footers under the spikes and then I started the player without changing the volume. The music was noticeably louder and I had to turn it down.

Well two days after I was playing music at 8AM no louder than I've been playing it for years and I get banging on my bedroom wall. I listen in my living room so next to it is my bedroom and then the bedroom of my neighbor. The last time it happened was many many years ago and it wasn't music it was a man talking on FM radio. I sensed there was a change in the presence of the music with the new footers but that big of a difference? We have very good sound proofing here and there was a time when I could play Wagner at 5am before work and nobody complained.

Could footers make that much of a difference? I did notice an improvement in presence as well. I do not know this neighbor and she's been living here a few years.

Anybody else have a similar situation when they changed something in their system or maybe you were just playing music too loudly without realizing it?



@mahgister Me too. I detest all manner of useless human noise. I’ve a large lot and even then, they love noise. Dogs barking, leafblowers, chainsaws, tree grinders, jet skis, ATVs, guns, backup beepers that go on all day on a construction site, and outside music or radio. Even now, on Memorial Day at 3pm, some fool nearby is cutting something with a mitre saw in his yard. Thankfully, my basement with the sound systems is almost soundproof.

I’ve been the one banging. I’m the quiet neighbor. Had a couple with three kids upstairs. The pounding, heel-walking cherubs never stopped moving.

Had another rental once where the lunatic upstairs would put away laundry at 2am every weekend. She'd walk back and forth the length of the room hundreds of times until 3.30am putting the stuff away.

Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?

when I was in my early 20s I would turn on my stereo, highest volume, 2 seconds at 1AM. Then again in 20-35 minutes. Until 4AM, when I finished my homework for school. The neighbor and I were not on the best terms