"But vintage prerecorded tapes often have the shedding problem due to age deterioration."
I suspect you are referring to home-made pre-recorded, on tape formulations that sadly shed. Definitely a problem to be aware of and avoid. Buying old stock, be aware:
I refer to pre-recorded commercial releases from the majors: CBS, RCA, London, Capital, Decca, Reprise ......
Not a single one of my 7" pre-recorded reels (around 500 of them) from these various makers has ever shed. Surprisingly, bleed thru is extremely rare.
I inherited some opera tapes from my uncle that he had home-recorded, on ..... blank tape. Those sadly had some bleed-thru. They also had become more brittle than the commercially produced ones.
I/you should never use Fast Forward or Fast Rewind prior to putting a tape back in the box, the tape will be packed too tightly. Wind them at normal speed.
some store them tails-out, I store them tail’s in, as they finish after auto-reverse play.