My system consists of the following:

1. Martin Logan Impressions 11A

2. Rogue RP-1 preamplifier

3. Lumin U@ mini streamer with Chord Qutest DAC.

4. Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amplifier

I just purchased the Bryston amplifier and it has brought my speakers to life. From dull and listless to vibrant and alive.

I would like to upgrade my preamp and my three choices are as follows:

1. Rogue Audio RP-9-tubes

2. Bryston BR-19 which is fully balanced.

3. Conrad Johnson ET6 or ET6SE

My cables are Cardas Clear Cygnus

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.



Those are three very different sounding preamps so not really sure what you’re after here.  What specific improvements and sound characteristics are you looking for, what’s your budget, and are you looking for new or used?  



Definitly what are your tastes. I like musical preamps that are detailed. So I own Audio Research, and alternatively would own Conrad Johnson. I would not own Rogue, and Bryston is too focused on precision / transparency for me. But, for you, it might be different.

Looking for a preamp that in short is truer to the recording than the preamp that I currently own. In short, seeking transparent, quiet and a preamp that works well with the Bryston 4B3 cubed which I recently purchased. I like the fact that the Bryston BP-19 is a fully balanced preamp which should improve the sound and deliver more headroom.  My budget is up to $7500.00, which is the retail of the Rogue RP-9. But I am leaning to the Bryston BP-19. Has anybody heard the BP-19?   Thanks.