Where can I get a set of Harmonic Technology pro 11 speaker cables re terminated?

I have a bad locking banana connector on my cables and want to get the bananas changed to spades. I contacted Harmonic Tech to see if they can re terminate the cables. They said I would have to pay to ship the cables to Taiwan and back and pay for the re termination. Does anyone know of someone in the US that would re terminate the cables? I live in northern Ohio and no one near me does it.

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Thanks! I will try your suggestions. I can’t use an adapter as one of the banana connectors is very loose when plugged in.

+1 on Patrick @ Cullen Cable.

Another option could be Acoustic Zen, in San Diego. The owner (Robert Lee) used to work at Harmonic Technology, so he'd be very familiar with those cables. Plus, he's a very nice guy. Even if he can't help you directly, there's a good chance that he could recommend another possible option for you.

Best of luck!

Some banana connectors have a little wire running up the prong. Maybe all you have to do is pry it up a bit, like with a small blade screwdriver. Good luck!

Try WBT, the offer spades or banana that don’t require soldering.they have little Hex Head screws that are tighter to a sleeve that secures the connection. They also offer tool kits for making these connections.

I would figure out who manufactures the spade terminal. They have the specific requirements as far as type of crimp tool to use. Maybe the crimper is inexpensive to buy and do it yourself. Good luck!