@aldnorab You are opening another big and old discussion.
On one side, when hard disk space was not such a a commodity as it is today, people tried to reduce the size of the music files as much as possible. That implies the use of algorithms to "fold" them.
But also implies the use of algorithms to "unfold" them just in the fly while or just before being played. This implies the use of processing capacity of the computer ant that means noise.
Again, in the "old" times, this operation could demand a slightly significative "effort" for the computer. Today you can say that this "noise" is absolutely negligible. It will depend on your computer (streamer, server or whatever)
If you are curious, play the same file / track as FLAC level 0 and level 8 and trust your ears: I think you can use any transcoder to do ver both FLAC files.
And my advice: once you have tested this in YOUR equipment and with YOUR ears, forget it: there will always be people saying that they hear the difference in their equipment and there will always be people saying that with the computer of such equipment is "scientifically" imposible to feel any difference.