Is there a cheaper alternative to this:

5° Slant Riser Base For Model Five (  either wood or steel, or whatever. doesn't matter, really.  thanks in advance. 


Butcher block looks to be at least double the price.  I'm looking for cheaper. but thanks anyways. 

I've seen welded steel knockoffs on Etsy for around half the price.



I had the Buchardt legs made from scratch. They are about $550/pair and I could have them for $400. (Given my time spent and ending up bringing them from 10,000 miles away, I really didn’t save much.)

Since these are just $350 a pair, I don’t see a lot of savings from contracting it out. Unless of course you want something that looks nicer, for your taste.

Down in San Diego, having custom metal and ironwork done in Mexico is an option, probably cheap(er) but again, you will only know what you end up with when you take delivery of it.