Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?


@yowser I received the unit on Saturday.  Unfortunately, I have a terrible ground loop that has precluded any listening. 

Actually, I was concerned that the unit was damaged in transit, but I have just concluded that it is a ground loop and not damage.  I have never had any issues with ground loops or hum with the system, thus my concern that it might be damage.  I have a Trafomatic Rhapsody 300B parallel single ended amp and when the MU2 is plugged in as soon as the ICs are connected I get the hum.  Short term I am using a cheater plug on my amp, but I need a more permanent solution.  I have ordered a turntable ground wire which I will attach to the ground lug on the back of the amplifier and connect it to the chassis of the MU2 to see if that takes care of the issue.  I have the MU2, the amp, and the power supply unit for my field coil speakers on separate outlets but on the same circuit. Would prefer not to use a power strip.

Any wisdom on ground loops would be welcomed.

From what I have heard behind the horrible 60Hz hum, sounded pretty amazing.  Voices are very lifelike and the soundstaging is very precise.  I am looking forward to beginning to listen.  I am running the system 24/7 on a playlist in Roon with the amp off.  Sounds pretty good right now, but i am expecting it go get weird for the first 7 days and then start to improve through 200-300 hours.

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@wlp3 Sorry to hear that you have a ground loop when the MU2 is placed in your system!  I did a quick search on the forum and it appears that it's not all that uncommon.  I'm sure you'll get it figured out, but at least the cheater plug gets you by for now.  I have a MU2 being delivered today and is the reason I inquired as to your experience to date.  Glad to hear that it's sounding amazing right out of the box and likely to get even better after running it in.

@yowser Congratulations on the MU2.  I have had a chance to listen a little bit yesterday (20 hours), and I must say that even as green as it is you can tell that it is going to be very special.  Let me know your initial reaction to the sound.

I have the MU1 and I'm considering the MU2.  But haven't experienced one yet.  
