Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?

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@wlp3 Sorry to hear that you have a ground loop when the MU2 is placed in your system!  I did a quick search on the forum and it appears that it's not all that uncommon.  I'm sure you'll get it figured out, but at least the cheater plug gets you by for now.  I have a MU2 being delivered today and is the reason I inquired as to your experience to date.  Glad to hear that it's sounding amazing right out of the box and likely to get even better after running it in.

@yowser Congratulations on the MU2.  I have had a chance to listen a little bit yesterday (20 hours), and I must say that even as green as it is you can tell that it is going to be very special.  Let me know your initial reaction to the sound.

I have the MU1 and I'm considering the MU2.  But haven't experienced one yet.  


@yowser Any preliminary impressions?  My Roon over the weekend was painfully slow sometimes buffering for >1 minute and hanging up.  Are you having that issue?