Audience SX2/Front Row Cables...has anyone tried or heard much of this new reference line?

I have been extremely satisfied with Audience Interconnect and Speaker cable for some time, natural/organic/neutral presentation that works with every component I’ve used, solid state or tube. I own Au24 SX XLR Interconnects and Speaker cables. I have also been impressed with Audience cables price to performance ratio. I just received an email of another breakthrough reference line, the Au24 SX2, which will actually be called the Front Row line.  Alas, pricing at $5100 per 2 meter Speaker cable is no longer readily affordable. I guess Audience is rapidly catching up in price to its competitors, now that they also enjoy name recognition and stellar reviews. However, they are wonderful cables!  Has anyone heard these cables or know much about them relative to SX line? If they’re as much a revelation over the SX as the email from Audience claims, I might have to start saving. I’ll wait for the reviews I guess.  Thank you to all!

@denon1 - You mentioned the Kubala-Sosna Elation cables are better for bass.  Did you notice any other advantages with the K-S cables versus Audience?

Oczed, the elation a little more textured in  the mids and bass, but highs are not that extended as with audience front row. Also audience a little faster. May be if I had the whole loom of Elation, I would see better overall performance from KS but I could not find a dealer who will give  the same great discount on KS as I got with. Audience. 

It goes to show that one cannot just look at specs and determine whether a particular cable will sound best. Front Row uses "just" OCC copper and a PTFE dielectric: (cross linked). No silver, no graphene, no network box or other special sauce unlike one mentioned here. Probably why Kubala Sosna don't tell you any specs at all. I haven't heard the Front Row cables, but I don't doubt the reviews.

I compared the SX with the FrontRow on my Yamaha NS5000 speaker, CODA #16, and Benchmark LA4 preamp. I also used a Benchmark AHB2 amp in the evaluation of the cables. I also had WyWire Diamond and Platinum speaker cables.

With the CODA #16 amp, the Audience AU24 SX and FrontRow were excellent. The FrontRow being better for my tastes. More detail with the sense of no cable being used.

When I changed to the Benchmark AHB2 I had some very minor fatigue with all the cables except the FrontRow. The irritation I heard was at different frequencies for each cable, but whatever gremlin was there I heard it via the AHB2.

The FrontRow was perfect with the AHB2. I no longer have the amp since I wanted a more powerful amp.



Thank you for the follow up. Accuphase is excellent. Do you still have Oppo or Theta players?


Happy Listening!