Ethernet cables

Long time audiophile here but, more of a rookie regarding streaming. My basic question is should I upgrade my ethernet cables and what price point would be reasonable for my application.

The streamer is in a secondary system and is used only for casual listening. The streamer is hardwired to the system. At this point I do not have a streamer in the main system.

Below is a list of the gear in system 2.

The streamer is a Node 2i with the power supply upgrade from LHY (a DIY kit) sourced from Beatechnik out of Singapore. Not using the internal DAC but, feeding the digital signal to an outboard DAC.

DAC - Luxman DA-06

Preamp -  Simaudio P5.3

Amp - McCormack DNA-500 (yes, way overkill power wise for the system but, I love the very relaxed sound of this amp)

Speakers - Dynaudio Contour 30i

Cables - Primarily Transparent Ultra mm2 generation.

Internet is from my cable provider via coax cable.

There are three short cat 6 ethernet cables (5'). One going from the modem to the router, one from the router to the wall connection for a 100 foot cat 7 run in the attic and one at the system end wall connection to the Node. The short cables are Amazon Basics cat 6. The 100 foot cat 7 was sourced from Amazon with one of those never heard of names - Snanshi which, seems to be fairly decent but, I wouldn't really know.

So, do I upgrade the Amazon Basics cables and if so, what would be a reasonable choice?



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You have a wall plate and from there you connect to streamer…is that right?

Here’s something to try then…

iFi LAN iSilencer to the wall plate, then a short run of a good Ethernet cable from the iFi to your streamer. Pick whatever Ethernet cable you want to try but I wouldn’t spend a ton on it. 

I am with @audphile1…you can try LinkUp Cat 8 cables from Amazon. I don’t think you would hear any appreciable difference with Node 2i. 

Agree with the above.  I’d probably just replace the cable to the Node as many say that’s the most important.  Here’s a link to the cable @lalitk mentioned along with another that has gotten good feedback.

Good advise ,get rid of any separate Router modem , tell your provider you need a new all in one , the power supplies are horrible , I bought a motorola 8702 

it has docsis 3.1 most have older 3.0. This processor much faster ,and wifi for tv much better, the wall warts suck ,digital is not grounded,noise goes house to house. I bought from linear tube audio their  Excellent LPS , a much cleaner sound now , and the you only need 2 Ethernet cables , Sablon makes a very good cables 

beats cables at 2x it’s price it’s $400 each .  Your most important cable is your end point , wire world $200 from router, then Sablon to Ethernet streamer 

100 % get rid of separate router modem way out dated and pure garbage noise 

I replaced that same setup 2+ years ago with the Motorola 8702 on Amazon 

then the LPS power supply and comes with a excellent DC cable to the router 

and make sure use decent power cords , never stock , the Pangea awg14 sig mk2 

good for your LPS to router as well as from your Ethernet hub 

land replace junk 50 cents zinc buzz fuses with Hifi tuning fuses ,VH Audio  I get the CU gold Copper ,  your streamer no. Good , innuos make a streamer HD for around $1500 , and can get a deal from Anthony at Perrotta Consultants.

great interface app and sounds better then Roon ,but is Roon Ready .if you prefer.

get rid of the noise ,the lhy is good for a low cost solution ,I hav3 one to up the game a good one is around $3k on up to make a substantial difference.

the walll warts most are 12 volts  $3 in cost just add noise to a already corrup signal the LPS is a game changer and call your cable provider fr a all in one or buy a much better one as I did only $230.takes $5 minutes to setup then just call cable company tech support ,on bottom of motorola they have your pass word 

and they ask for your MAC address ,it has Nothing to do with Mac computers.

good 🍀 luck.