Hi Fellows,
I was in the first wave. There was a plan to set up a forum for users. Have either one of you tried to contact DEQX lately. They have not answered any of my inquiries for three weeks. I'm a bit worried that COVID took to much of a financial toll on them.
I have a difficult system for the Pre 8. I use dipole ESLs and the comb filtering they produce confuses it. I'm working on a solution to absorb most of the back wave so the 8 can get a measurement on it.
@caglioti you are right. we need more flexibility, manual control of delays and separate EQ for each channel. Right now I have set the crossovers and run it in manual mode, EQing manually. The imaging is not yet what it should be. Rome was not built in a day.
@forrestc Which Apogees? I use to have Divas. You have the same basic problem I have, Dipoles, perhaps not as bad as mine as the ribbon is not as transparent to the rear wall reflection. Place the microphone as close as you can to the ribbons, within and inch! Look at the response curve. If you see it bouncing rhythmically along the x axis you are picking up the comb filtering. If you go to the Sound Labs web site check out the "Sallie" rear wave absorption panel. I am building a 24" wide version with 8" wedges instead of the stock 6" wedges. If you are not comb filtering then it is a mute issue and you should be able to get a decent measurement.