A Better Way to Buy Gear - Help Needed

** this is a Sale-Process question... not a Gear question**

Hi All:

I intend to upgrade my stereo this year and have located an item that I want to purchase. Unfortunately, there is a ‘snag’ -- the seller insists on receiving the money before I get to see the item.

With this introduction, I would greatly appreciate knowing your individual/collective experience and advice.  Perhaps there is a solution!


About the Sale-Process:

The seller accepts only cash or PayPal Family & Friends:  He gets the money before I get the item. 

Because I would be without PP Buyer Protection, I would be stuck with any/all repair(s).


About the item:

The item is sealed in a box (NOS), so I cannot

    1. determine if it was damaged during shipping (to his house),
    2. power-up the unit and demo/confirm the functions. 
    3. verify the cosmetic appearance of the item
    4. verify that the correct item is in the box!
    5. Condition is advertised = 11/10

The item is big, heavy and expensive.  I have seen a photo of the box, but there is no meaningful information visible in that photo (e.g. company, make, model).


Additional information:

The seller lives in another State, a long way from my location.  A visit would involve a flight (or a long drive) and day or two in a hotel.  

The seller has a 95% rating. 

To me, a good rating means that I am willing to engage with a seller, but it does NOT justify sending the money without verifying the item’s existence/condition.


My question:

Because I am not inclined to send cash up-front, is there a better way forward for this ‘money-before-gear’ type of sale?


Thanks in advance for your replies, and happy listening!


Personally if I wanted it bad enough I’d drive or fly to look at it. Since his terms are so ridiculous, I’d insist he pay for your cost to SEE it. 
Otherwise, walk away. 

The only way to buy is in person.I have bought alot of stereo equipment new,and used and at times there could a problem.Damage on being  shipping ,especially if it's not the orginal carton.I loaded trucks and unloaded them for the old PO.Then worked in Shipping for electronics company. Then was a claims adjuster at UPS...I know a little about shipping. There's times you can buy a unit and it works find and 90 days later it dies, now your stuck unless its guaranteed. BUYER Beware...Good Luck my man....

It’s not about the fee. It’s about PayPal being complicit with our thieving government. I avoid them whenever possible.


I have done PP F&F for the past 2.5 years as a buyer and seller of $5-10k items.  I have 100% feedback and most of those I dealt with did as well.  There were not any with neg marks but there were a couple with no feedback.  If I had a NOS item, I would absolutely open and test the item and have actual pictures in my ad.  So many people are willing to crucify this seller assuming they are the scum of the earth.  I think they are simply not thinking and feel that keeping the box unopened is preserving value.  Some have made the comment that they can afford the PP fees.  I don't know how people still don't get it after almost 3 years.  It is NOT about fees, it is the IRS.  If this guy takes $10k via goods & services, then he will get a 1099 next year and this will be counted as income.  That is the high-level way this has been presented.  Maybe there is a loop hole that a tax professional can do to avoid that but it is not clear to most and so no one wants to take that chance.

Now on to answering your question.  If I really wanted this piece, I would talk to them.  Get their phone number and have a conversation.  When you are talking ask if they would be willing to open/test/picture or even FaceTime you.  Finally you could offer half of the money and after you get it and test it out pay the rest.  This takes faith on both of you.  

Our community is mostly awesome with very honest people.  The actual scam ads are pretty easy to spot so without seeing that ad for myself, I can't judge.