Cambridge Audio 840C

Has anyone compared this cd player to the Bryston BCD-1 or perhaps the PrimaLuna Prologue 8?

I was initailly looking to go with a 2-channel RB player rather than SACD. I have an SCD-C555ES that is in need of service, thus the reason for looking into new players.

Have you been able to compare the RB playback of the Sony to either the Cambridge, Bryston or PrimaLuna?
I know this may sound surprising, but after listening to the 840c with Harmonic Tech, Tara and Synergisitc ICs, my favorite IC is a Mapleshade thin ribbon cable that I bought from an audio friend. This has all the spacial and extension qualities I like. Who woulda known? Anyone else like these?
I've heard the Cambridge and Bryston and I feel the Sony strikes the best balance between detail, warmth and dimensionality while maintaining accurate tonality. The Prima Luna is an unknown quantity with questionable reviews, plus I am not comfortable with adding coloration and distortion at the front end. I owned the BAT VK-D5SE and I couldn't stand the colorations that highly regarded player offered so I declined on buying a Prima Luna. I find the Sony to serve up RB and SACD playback with truthfulness, natural tone, great detail/air and dimensionality while rendering superb dynamic contrasts:O)
Doesn't look like the Mapleshade ICs come in XLR...too bad, I wouldn't mind giving 'em a try.