How Long Should a First Watt SIT3 Last ?

I'm fairly certain my Quicksilver Monos are kaput. Im thinking maybe I don't want to mess with the troubles and uncertainties of  tubes. Im considering getting a used SIT3, but how long should they Last considering the internals are no long available if I encounter a problem?

Thank you,




I should have compared the damped and un-damped Heresy IIIs (I mean really...they were right there) but listened to them both post damping and yeah...they didn’t change much but damping’s an easy tweak though and kind of fun. I now have no memory of what the undamped horns sounded like but hey...they remain damped unless the material fell off. Also the IVs were listened to for over a month in my system and always elicited a frown leading to them being happily sold on. I do think the IVs are a much more deluxe item than the IIIs...better driver bolts (instead of wood screws), nice binding posts...the extra 10 hz of bass...all good. I’ve mentioned the redesigned mid horn on the IVs a few times (plastic driver-on-horn flare with no compression throat) and the titanium drivers with the long throated (including weird little pokey phase plug thing with holes) compression horn design of the IIIs seems to be what I like. A very coherent sound with none of the frown inducing upper mid jump on the IVs...if that issue had healed up I would have kept ’em but life is seemingly too short...I still love the IIIs...still use them with 2 RELs.

mike asked me to send the amps in I asked if he could do a complete overhaul, replace anything prone to aging and if the cost approached a new set, then I would do that.


@jtcf I sent him a pre where he returned it like you said. turned out in shipping, a cap became loose, when it arrived to him there was contact. he sent it to me and it was loose again. the 2nd time I got it back the whole cap fell off. I sent it again and it was fixed.

I will trust him one last time with these amps. where I live so many are apathetic and incompetent. without a Gon recomendation I cant just go to a guitar shop.


I did find a local place called Twin Cities Tubes. I will contact them I hope its the right thing to do, but I suppose I have worries about the things mentioned earlier by @jtcf ....I thought it was just me it happened to but maybe its a thing now.

Actually I have an appointment with ToneTron Minneapolis tomorrow. Cam recommended by the studio engineer.