Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?


I have the MU1 and I'm considering the MU2.  But haven't experienced one yet.  


@yowser Any preliminary impressions?  My Roon over the weekend was painfully slow sometimes buffering for >1 minute and hanging up.  Are you having that issue?

My early impression mimics yours and the multitude of the reviews out there.  Vocals are lifelike as you said, just as the music in general is more lifelike.  I remember one reviewer likened it to opening a window.  It sounded great right out of the box and continued to improve over the last 100 hours.  I've had it playing 24/7 with playlists and Radio Paradise, then listening in the evenings for 1-2 hours.  I'm impressed with the micro details in the music without being analytical.  I'm always a little skeptical of reviews, but they were so overwhelmingly positive on the MU2 that I had to listen in my home and I'm glad I did.  In answering your question, I did not have any buffering issues over the weekend.  As to your ground loop issue, I noticed on the last paragraph of page 7 of the supplied manual that Grimm states the MU2 "relies on safety earth in the mains cable to guarantee your safety. It also needs this connection as low impedance path for mains leakage current to prevent hum or sound quality degradation" and suggests consulting an electrician.

For those of you that have the MU2 how's it going?  I have a MU1/Weiss 501 DAC combo and love 'em. I don't know but image the streamer part of the MU2 is much the same as the MU2?  How to sort that one?  Am considering the MU2 in my other system that will replace a Lumin X1 (nothing to kick out of bed for eating crackers). Nothing beats the Grimm's 2x and 4x oversampling.

I have an integrated (KWM-88 MK2 Integrated Amplifier using KT170's )  I very much like but (the itch) was considering just using the MU2 as the pre into AGD The Audion MkIII Monoblocks or other monos.  I like separates but.......???????

you may want to check out a 432 Evo Master


the master has been compared next to the Grimm and found to sound as good with greater speed and clarity while being just as organic as the Grimm



Unprecedented realism

Because at the same time, a phenomenom happens which I can best describe as “de-hasting”. The Grimm also masters this, but the 432 EVO Master even goes a little bit further. With “de-hasting” I mean the feeling that you get as listener with music, to even process very complex passages. With some, and mainly less performing products, the music can become overly bloated and prominent in certain areas, and the music is almost forced onto you. None of that with this Belgian music server who continues to act like a gallant gentlemen.


Even though the price is downright hefty, and a small minus is the fact that it only support USB connections towards a DAC, what we have here is a very special music server which within it’s price class, is among the best challengers today. Even though a top class CD transport still sounds substantially different in it’s own way and still is hard to beat on it’s own strong aspects, there is indeed a far-reaching analog sound. This makes the rendering smooth, airy, spacious and naturally realistic and moreover, also has exactly that right outlined and catchy character that is so typical of a good analog source. Nice work Frederic!

Dave and Troy

audio Intellect

432evo dealers