Can't directly compare to the Cornwalls, but I did own the Forte III's that I actually traded to Greg as part of a deal to buy a pair of Razz speakers. I did a quick review for Greg (and my local audio group) on the differences between the Forte III's and the initial Razz speakers. This is on Greg's Volti page, but here's what I said--
I recently purchased a pair of Razz speakers from Greg–here’s my initial take. They replaced a pair of Klipsch Forte IIIs . . .
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The bass response on the Razz is much better. For some reason, you look at the woofer on the Forte III’s and the giant passive radiator on the back and you expect a lot of bass, but it really doesn’t happen. Maybe pushed about 10” off the wall, but leads to other issues. I never minded the bass on the Klipsch but the Razz are clearly more prominent in the bass response. What really stands out is the integration between the upper bass and lower midrange. I’m hearing details in this area that I NEVER heard out of the Klipsch.
The imaging is also much better on the Razz. They throw a nice wide sound stage in which all the images are clearly firmly locked in place. That just isn’t something the Klipsch did all that well.
For me, the biggest improvement is how real the instruments sound coming out of the Razz. The horns sound like they are in the room with you. Acoustic guitars are right on. Combined with better detail coming out of the Razz, this is where the two speakers are the most different. The number of times I heard a detail or a separation of voices on the Razz that I have never noticed on the Forte III’s was astounding. And there is no upper midrange glare of any kind on the Razz. The volume goes up and it’s just as listenable as at lower levels.
The Razz are simply better speakers.
This was the Razz V1. The V2 changed the tweeters that Greg used, if there is a V3 I'm going to guess it involves a small tweak to the crossover, which I would not sweat at all. I ended up trading the Razz back to Greg for a pair of Rival SEs, which I love. Finally, if you like Volti, I can't see you liking Fyne. I have a local dealer who carries them and I HATE them. Boring and uninvolving, the complete opposite of Volti--FWIW. If you are curious, here are the Rivals that I bought (in the middle of COVID).