YouTube star Jay loves McIntosh MC 901 amplifier

Just released, a really good 19 minute video explaining the MC 901 amplifier, which is used to biamp tube amplifier to the mid range and Tweeter and the solid state portion of the amplifier to the BASS drivers. jay is in love with this amplifier and believes it’s woefully under priced for the value received. One of the best amplifiers hes ever heard and that says a lot coming from Jay who’s heard so many amplifiers.

Only negatives were that it does run hot and is kind of heavy and you need a special amplifier stand but those are hardly meaningful concerns. The overheating that he experiences is because he’s in a small garage with poor ventilation and in Florida which I hear gets very hot.

McIntosh is now in love with Jay as this is probably the best review that’s been done and there aren’t many on this amplifier because it’s unusual and people don’t understand how the amplifier works. It’s quite simple, tubes do better at the upper end drivers and solid state does better for the lower end drivers. Not too many people really dispute this

I use the MC 901 and they are amazing amplifiers. I’ve upgraded some of the tubes and curiously McIntosh says it’s unnecessary because they’re amplifiers make crappy tubes sound just as good as really nice tubes. Jay mentions this in his video. I need to upgrade more tubes but going to a few better tubes helped so I’m not sure where McIntosh is coming from.

He says he’s gonna keep these amplifiers for the long term which for him is 10 days but I could be wrong



Jay usually luvs whatever he gets. He has some very hi end gear but I question his objectivity. The relationship between dealers and brands is well known.


So now he's a "star"?

Please remember that this is the same Jay that called McIntosh gear mid-fi just a few years ago. His opinions have about as much substance as soap bubbles. 

That said, I'm sure that it's a great amp, and I'd love to have it.

By all appearances, "Jay" is a used audio equipment dealer. He hypes gear on his YT channel, then sells it as he moves on to the next. He'd clearly rather be a YT star, though.

We're in a culture where contradictions don't matter. Say "A" one day, say "Not A" another? No one seems to care. Hell, even throw in some nonsense about Hannibal Lecter in your videos, Jay. It's all about keeping attention, and the truth is a mere casualty.