recommended Analog-to-Digital convertors?

I have a friend that's trying to archive his LP collection and I have no experience in A/D converters. Presumably he would want to output RCA or balanced to a A/D converter that exports via usb or firewire. Suggestions at $500, $1K and $2.5K+ price points would be appreciated.
I'm also interested. I did my first needledrops recently using an Alesis Masterlink. Recording at 24/96 and listening at 18/48 through my Mac Mini->Audio Note DAC, the results are already amazing.

With proper jitter control and playing at 96 Khz (an Empirical USB Off Ramp) and possibly an A/D converter superior to what's in the Masterlink, I can see this getting nearly indistinguishable from the vinyl.
The apogee duet is nice little dac with a>d as well for $500, but it is mac only.
It only outputs via xlr and rca digital but the wadia 17 connected to an alesis masterlink gets me some pretty good lp recordings.
Mdowns32 -- She wants an ADC (analog-to-digital converter), not a DAC (digital-to-analog converter)!

-- Al