Thumper’s Mother

I’ve been a member here for years. Increasingly, the discussions are peppered with cutesy comments and criticisms that reek of attention seeking behavior. 

Please offer more respect to those around here that are innocent hobbyists. They are here to have fun talking about stereos, not be taken to task. I suspect you do it because this is your only available audience. 

These are people. Some are dealing with tragedy, heartache, loss and loneliness. They are trying to forget about troubles and mean people, not engage them. 

If you don’t like a post, or agree with a topic, or have a problem with sentence structure or punctuation, and can’t be helpful and respectful, keep your mouth shut and your hands in your pockets. Go start your own perfect discussion or seek out a narcissist forum in which to contribute. 

I’ve read enough of this garbage to have earned my say. If more people would stand up, this would evaporate. It exists in real life only where it is tolerated. None of you would walk into a group of healthy men and pop off at the mouth. Some say you would I bet, but I know better. I’ve done it and highly recommend against it. 

And don’t give me the ‘can’t stand the heat’ business. Most all of you can be helpful and respectful if you want. Pearls of wisdom don’t justify disrespect. 

Let’s love each other and enjoy our hobby. Please?


I don't feel like I am disrespectful or caddy at all but I will at least try to be sensitive to it going forward.  You never know how your words affect others.  Being thoughtful is the least we can do, right?  It's all bout fun!

I appreciate the sentiment provided by the OP. My experiences tell me that people in this hobby are a very emotional crowd, so words and opinions with one another get pretty extreme. I do not mind the banter nor the differences of opinion, of which my opinions are always correct, but I do not like the name calling. My best to all and Happy Father's day to all. MrD.


OP:  Thanks for having the courage and class to keep the discussion on a civil tone.  I have read far too immature, reactionary and ascorbic comments in this forum during the past five years.  

@audphile1 : "People are people and will behave the way they choose in that particular moment". ... you are right, of course, but that fact seems both assumed and irrelevant.  The OP is requesting for more than that from this group, and rightfully so.  He requested civility, curtesy and respect in this forum, and I whole-heartedly support him. 

It is truly sad how many people are no longer here to share their knowledge, insights and aspirations simply because of the bad manners of folks who know better.  

Nothing wrong with disagreements as long as you don’t make it personal and/or get nasty or insulting.

Frankly however, right or wrong, public forums on the internet are not generally a good place for the easily offended.  

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