Recommendations for really well-recorded music for high-end audio system demo

I’m using my system to give some local high-end audio demos for fun, and although I have a good selection of tracks I can always use more and am sure you guys have some great ones out there.  First and foremost I’m looking for really well-recorded material that shows off what a good system can do — you know, the “wow your friends” tracks we all have, and if it happens to be good/fun music as well that’s a nice bonus although not necessarily a requirement.  I’d recommend listing the artist, album, and track so it’s easier to find the right version, and if you feel like elaborating on anything notable that makes it particularly good for a demo that’d be helpful/interesting but not necessary.  As an example…

  • Patricia Barber, Companion, “Like JT” — Great live jazz club vibe, fun instrumental with excellent imaging/depth/3D soundstage.

Thanks for anything ya got!


@simao i agree, I was amazed at how deep and wide the soundstage is on that album.  I’ve heard folks say they heard things from behind them when listening to that album.  I don’t quite have that happening but it does sound like music is coming from the left and right of my chair.

If you like jazz, "88 Basie Street" by Count Basie on JVC 20 bit K2 is particularly well recorded. In general many albums on JVC 20 bit K2 series are well recorded.

Jennifer Warnes

Rock You Gently

The Hunter 

Actually every track sounds amazing. 


Hugh Masekela, the track Stimela. A South African trumpeter who will certainly get your attention and anyone else's in the room.