after market battery power for DAC

I'm looking for someone that can replace the AC power plant of a DAC and hack in a battery powered solution. I'm thinking of doing this with either the SlimDevices Transport or the new PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC.

Any ideas?
I would check with Chris Johnson at Balanced Power Technologies (BPT), Vinnie Rossi at Red Wine Audio, or Wayne at Bolder Cable. I know BPT and Red Wine build, or have built, battery supplies for squeezeboxes and Wayne does some mods for the transporter, so I'm sure they could advise you.
I'll 2nd RWA recommendation. Vinnie is coming out with battery power supply for variety of components, including phonostages, Sonos, squeezeboxes,iWadia etc. (+12V, +24V, +-12V and custom work as well).

Good luck

I suppose I should have thought of Vinnie at Red Wine - I have a Sig 30.2 and it would match up perfectly.

I'll try the others if Vinnie can't get to it. Thanks!