Free Tip for Jumpers

If you have already replaced the stock jumpers on your bi wire speakers I found this to be a nice boost in sound quality. It was a Nordost section of Music Direct, FYI.


Diagonal Bi-Wire

For those looking for maximum performance from their bi-wire speakers, Nordost has a recommendation. Connect your speaker wire to the speaker as follows: Red lead to the Red midrange/bass post, Black lead to the Black tweeter post. Then insert the Norse Jumpers as you normally would, sit back and hold on to your socks. The effect is astounding, with greater focus, detail and less haze and grain. We don't really understand how it works, but it does so try it for yourself!


@daveyf This involves using jumpers while simultaneously using true bi-wired cables.  Not sure if that was clear.

@soix - With all due respect, what the OP suggests is diagonal connection of a standard speaker cable to a bi-wirable speaker with jumpers. That is what Nordost recommends for connection to bi-wirable speakers, their current speaker cables are not even available in a true bi-wired configuration.

The Nordost website says to avoid internal bi-wire cables, and not to use a cheaper double run...they say use the best single cable you can afford and equivalent jumpers...until you can afford a double run of their good cables !!!

@bill_k You’re correct — I misread the original post and thanks for the correction.  My bad and apologies to @daveyf for my mistake.  I still do highly recommend trying jumpers along with bi-wiring if you swing that way. 

I found most speakers that can be bi-wired have a steel plate covered with chrome or maybe gold to jump the highs and lows.  Copper wire has to be better that steel, so I’ve been using jumpers forever.