Beautiful Colored Tube Preamp ($10k budget) to Pair w/ Very Accurate Monitors (PSI A25M)

I'm helping a friend set up a dream home setup based around (4) PSI A25M powered speakers w (2) PSI A225M subwoofers. Prism Lyra2 D/A converters. I know the PSI sound and it's very pleasing for home listening and of course super detailed  but I do want to provide some beautiful high end color /magic via a tube preamp which really adds a warmth to the sound. So curious what folks feel in the $10k range for a lot of that tube color and help warm up the very accurate PSI monitors some. Main source will be Tidal / streaming audio as well as a CDJ3000 DJ setup playing digital files. Having phono pre not essential - having a few inputs nice to easily switch between streaming and dj setup  =]  Maybe a manufacturer based in North America / US since based here and easier to deal w just in case any issues arise?  But also not essential


Shindo is a good call you can probably find a used one in the $10K range or close to it. Older c-j preamps the pv series are indeed warm and rich sounding though you do lose some resolution. Also Audio Note would be a brand to consider.

heyall awesome, helpful! yeah i think something current that has support might be ideal, but if this cj pv series is the ticket... losing a bit of resolution is fine sacrifice for more warmth and bit of that tube saturation since its digital source 

guessing there must be something around 10k which punches in quite a high weight class =]