So much commentary on single ended 300 B tubes and low wattage amplifiers.
@jasonbourne71 has some outstanding commentary but requires great expertise to really understand things.
My take away is that you risk higher distortion when you have low wattage amplifiers. I guess the speakers should be highly efficient but then this may lead to distortion when you want to turn the volume up in a bigger room.
Maybe lower watt amplifiers are good for small rooms where higher wattage amplifiers Will have no problem filling a larger room.
I didn’t follow the impedance curve tracking rationale where if it happens you’ll have increasing distortion.
Impedance as a relates to lower wattage Single end tubes is not easy to understand for me at least but I’m open. I have 16 kt88s on my 300 watt tube monos and there doesn’t seem to be any distortion that I can here.