LAIV Harmony

New company with a new product.  There are several "professional" reviews out there, but not much consumer input here or elsewhere.  Those that have been using now for over a month, what are your thoughts?  What were you using previously and how does it compare?


I have one on order.  It is supposed to ship at the end of June.  Over on headfi, there is a thread with some owners, all positive impressions so far.  

I too have one on order.  My order confirmation on the Laiv webpage gives an expected  shipping date of late June for my order, but the current preorder page says that shipping is expected sometime in July.  We'll see - they already have my money.  A friend of mine bought one about six weeks ago and let me try it for an evening in my home system.  I was blown away; it totally trounced the RME ADI2 that I run off of a TEAC 701T CD transport. I did not try it out with my streaming setup. Not being an audio reviewer, I lack the flowery (BS) vocabulary to describe the performance of the Laiv Harmony DAC, other than to say it imparted a sense of "realism" that I never before experienced from my B&W 802 D3 speakers.  I really liked what I heard that night and went straight to the Laiv website and ordered one.  That was a month ago.   If I ever get one, I will post some further impressions.

@kclone Headfi eluded my Google search.  27 pages, yikes.  Lots of volume but not much content.  One interesting blurb though on comparison to Holo Spring 3.

@smweber2 Great you were able to demo a friends unit in your system.  Now you know what to expect.  Yes, appreciate your future impressions after first 100 hours.

Sounds like many are waiting on their units at this point.  I'm hoping that within the next month or so more feedback will be available.

audiostick, if you go to the last couple of pages on that thread, there is user impressions, not much before that.  

smweber2,  I ordered May 31st, confirmation said shipping at the end of June.  If they moved it to later date, I haven't been notified yet.  Anyway, description of your experience with it is very encouraging.  

I ordered mine May 3rd and got a notification it shipped today and should arrive on June 20th (direct from China) via FedEx.  I've been searching for non-professional reactions and comparisons all over and it looks like the YouTube reviews coincided with a soft product launch, with only a handful receiving units prior to the wider release that began shipping ~2 weeks ago.

Lots of hype, but the sober take from GoldenSound on that HeadFi thread sounds like it's a solid DAC for the money, but not on par with a Holo May or better.  Good to mention he's running his through HQPlayer and seems to prefer native NOS, which isn't what the Laiv was designed for.

I was actually considering cancelling and going with a used Holo May or stepping up to a MSB Discrete, but Weng has been very responsive and a pleasure to deal with.  It's also hard to ignore that there isn't a single negative comment from the handful of people that have gotten a chance to listen to one and the price is fantastic.