Would you still pay $10k or more for a turntable not full analog front end these days ?

Or you would rather pay that for a streamer ?



Out of curiosity, how much $$$ do you have invested each in your analog and streaming setups, and what are you using as a streaming service?  BTW, I can veryeasily tell the differences between various recordings of the same material in Qobuz, and I’m only using a $400 iFi Zen Stream (with their iPowerX power supply).

@soix my setup is mostly vintage, but have a new TT that was a few thousand, and a mid range streamer from Cambridge Audio. Use mostly Tidal. I can tell the difference from high-res to medium. My streamer does a good job of making most stuff sound good. There are only a few streams that I'll skip when they are bad. It's usually old Blues that just had crap recordings. My point was that my TT picks up bad recordings much easier then my streamer.

@tubes4good A lot more if I had an unlimited supply of FIM purchased in the last century. The cost of film has risen many times the cost of LP's.

My film freezer:

A day without exposing and developing a film is a day wasted.


Wow! Consider me jealous! I did give up on 35mm many years ago. Today, when I shoot film, it's 4x5 . I'll shoot medium format Ilford because I have a fair amount in storage and I still love having my Mamiya C330f in my hands.

@testpilot Great point. Vinyl was affordable and economically accessible up until about 2010 or so, and since then things have gotten way out of hand. If I were new and getting into vinyl, especially as a young generation well aware of finances, college debt, and the cost of living, I couldn't see myself dropping $30 on new vinyl. And even used vinyl is now creeping up to unreasonable prices.