Thumper’s Mother

I’ve been a member here for years. Increasingly, the discussions are peppered with cutesy comments and criticisms that reek of attention seeking behavior. 

Please offer more respect to those around here that are innocent hobbyists. They are here to have fun talking about stereos, not be taken to task. I suspect you do it because this is your only available audience. 

These are people. Some are dealing with tragedy, heartache, loss and loneliness. They are trying to forget about troubles and mean people, not engage them. 

If you don’t like a post, or agree with a topic, or have a problem with sentence structure or punctuation, and can’t be helpful and respectful, keep your mouth shut and your hands in your pockets. Go start your own perfect discussion or seek out a narcissist forum in which to contribute. 

I’ve read enough of this garbage to have earned my say. If more people would stand up, this would evaporate. It exists in real life only where it is tolerated. None of you would walk into a group of healthy men and pop off at the mouth. Some say you would I bet, but I know better. I’ve done it and highly recommend against it. 

And don’t give me the ‘can’t stand the heat’ business. Most all of you can be helpful and respectful if you want. Pearls of wisdom don’t justify disrespect. 

Let’s love each other and enjoy our hobby. Please?


it  ( we ) are the normal distribution…. the extremes interest and repel me…. @uncledemp is a dude i would fish with…..

I would like to see a double blind test to see if posters could reliably identify a thumbs down vote….


@uncledemp ....*G* As long as the somewhat cracked shell that keeps this yolk el together, I shall continue my trudge.....
Lately the trek is suffering through the Common Element we all face and get debased we work on breathing exercises for the 11/6 "Hold ’Em!" spell....

The news isn’t, more like an LP with a locking groove on a cut that you used to like a lot, but has fallen victim to an endless loop that simply becomes more embedded.

...and worse with every repeat repeat repeat....

Other than that (which is quite enough), I’m fine. *S* You?

@macg19 .....When in the mood and confronted with the ’push & shove’ battle of the keys, I notice the choices made by the random stroke:

Yet I was told my statement gave the collective "us" a "glimpse into my sole"

Obviously there’s a sub-premise that your taste in seafood is likely faulty and thinks your footwear is quite good for Bozo the Clown.

As for the obviously fouled-up intent and spelling of soul......

Yours seems fine to me.
Not perfect....but no ones’ is.....🤷‍♂️😏 😉

@cdc .....There seems to be an ebb ’n flow of new alphanumerics about....

A’gon’s got so many nooks ’n crannies....interesting query for our landlords here...

@asvjerry OMG! Sorry, let me clarify...I'd only order sole if it was whole Dover Sole, preferably in a little seaside village in England fresh of the boat.

While we're counting spelling mistakes..."el together". Or Spanish?

@macg19 *S*  Spouse and I would happily join in that meal in that locale for a 'Hallmark Moment'...*L*

Actually, an intended slip of the space:  'yolk el', in a noticed 'end of line' that beckoned... ;)

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