Isolation platforms for Cube Audio Jazzon speakers

Townshend platforms are clearly excellent, but are there any more affordable alternatives?  I can't drill into the bottom of the speakers.  At the moment, I have the speakers on MDF pieces of wood supported on the corners with rubber/foam/rubber clad pads and really have no complaints, but I know how much SQ improvement I got with Iso-Acoustics GAIA footers under my Spatial Audio speakers, but have no way to mount them on the open bottom of the Jazzon speakers.  Thanks for any suggestions.


I ordered the Townshend Sound Bars which are expected to arrive in a few days times.  I remember when I put Iso-Acoustic GAIA footers under my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters whereupon the improvement in SQ was instantly apparent.  I am hopeful for the same improvement with the Townshend Sound Bars.   

I got them today and  am having a hard time trying to get my speakers levels with the adjustments with these Sound Bars under my Cube Audio Jazzon speakers.  Information from Townshend has not been helpful.  I sorta got them leveled and frankly don't hear any noticeable improvement in the SQ.  I used the sandwiched rubber pads under the Cubes prior and they might be more efficacious that I might have thought.  

Any tips on the setup would be most helpful as well as any comments on their performance would be very welcome.  In contrast, putting Iso-Acoustics GAIA footers under my Spatial Audio speakers yielded a fantastic improvement in SQ...  immediately.  I am not hearing anywhere close to the same improvement with the far more expensive Townshend Sound Bars.  

Heck of a deal, my Townshend rep called me just now and opined that the solution to the problem of my inability to level them can be solved by higher-capacity load cells in front Sound Bars.  He is getting them out to me without a concern of payment so I give props to him and the company for their excellent response.  I am really hopeful that this solves the leveling issue.