Solid State Power Amps

I’m currently using 2 PrimaLuna EVO 400 power amps. I want to try my EVO 400 preamp with solid state power amps. I am considering the BHK 300, MC830, Accuphase 250 or 300 and the Pass X260.8. My budget is around 25k. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. If there is something else please recommend it. 


From your list I’m only familiar with X260.8. They drive my Wilson Sabrina without breaking a sweat. Preamp is Pass XP-22. I tried Audio Research Ref 6 tube preamp as well and the synergy was excellent. What speakers are you looking to drive with the new amp?

Pass should pair well with Focal Sopra 3. The PS Audio should also be a good match based on what I read. You don’t want bright or forward sounding amps with sopras.