Budget CDP: Cambridge 640c, Marantz CD5003, what?

I have a close friend whose JVC 1010, which I gave him years ago, has finally died (after 20 years!). His system is vintage Vandersteen 2's with an Eagle amp and Bryston pre. It's a lively-sounding system, but he's not at all an audiophile. He is resisting my suggestions to spend decent money to replace the JVC, so I'm looking at CDPs in the $400 range. The Cambridge and Marantz seem like safe bets, but I have no idea what they sound like and which would pair best with his system. The JVC was very clean-sounding with a slightly elevated and thin treble and a lean bass. Something that is not a huge departure from that would probably be safest. He wants reliability and longevity. SACD not desired. Thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
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I was wondering if you had ever listened to the NAD 545BEE as a standalone player, since that's how my friend would use it.
I've owned a Cambridge, and for the money they are really hard to beat especially if you're looking for smooth, musical player. Another thing to consider in the used market is one of the Sony's like an NS999ES or NS9100ES or maybe some of the Rotel players. I know the Marantz players have a great reputation, but I've not had the opportunity to audition any of the newer models...
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