Experiences With The Ikeda Arms?

Anyone have thoughts about the newest generation Ikeda arms? I am looking at the IT-345 CR-1 for my SOTA. I spoke with them and they say a reduced weight armband can be built to install this arm.

As I understand it the earlier Ikeda arms were a continuation and refinement of the Fidelity Research arms. Does this story still hold true for these new generation ones? 
Any thoughts or experiences you have to share would be appreciated. 


I have the 12 inch version of that tonearm. Very well made and better sounding than the Ortofon RS-309 D that it replaced. VTA adjustment is very easy with the VTA-06 VTA base. I have mostly moving coil cartridges that like a high mas arm.

Mr. Ikeda did tonearm and cartridge design for Fidelity Research

Dear @neonknight  : The Ikeda tonearms in reality never was and are a truly  " refinement " ( other that maybe the internal wire. ) of the vintage FR tonearms. It's more of the same that looks a little different and that only takes the advantage of the FR name. I owned all the FR/IKeda tonearms.

Its dynamic balanced mechanism is the same as in the FR and way ringing one that means higher distortions. I think you own better tonearms than Ikeda , but in reality is up to you who at the end is the one that will buy what you like.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@rauliruegas I have sold my SME V, to be honest I always found it grey sounding to ally. I also sold my Dynavector DV505. The Triplanar is moved on, I did not find it superior to the Dynavector but it’s more expensive. 

I am now looking for an arm for the SOTA, which has some constraints due to the island shaped arm board. An FR64S would work, and nice versions are available and less expensive than the Ikeda model. I can then source a SME 3009III and have it on a board for whenever I want to use the Ortofon MC2000 I have. 

I am currently down to the Schroder and Verismo on the Scheu, which is a thoroughly enjoyable listen.