Power Cables

Any recommendations for power cables under $500 for 

Streamers or DACs?


Please tell me your reasons for any you recommend. 


@jfrmusic I realized I didn’t exactly answer your question…

so…having the Nordost Heimdall 2 on dac with “cheap” cord on streamer is a bigger improvement than cheap on dac and nordost on streamer. 


Thanks. From other sources I’ve gotten the same information. The DAC is more important than the streamer concerning power issues. 

Yes but as I mentioned the degree of improvement is similar. If I remember correctly you have Aurender N20 paired with MSB Discrete DAC. I would go up to Frey 2 or even Tyr 2 on a used market for the power cords. Heimdall 2 is very nice but Frey 2 is an audible step up. I have Frey 2 on pass mono amps. Nordost should be a nice match in your system with harbeth speakers.

Audio advisor , Pangea sig MK-2 awg 14  are very good for under $250 

using copper connectors far better then bright brass and 3x more conductivity

and use Cardas grade 1 Copper wire. Give him 150 hours to runin a very good value.

Wywires is running a sale. Both the Silver and Platinum Digital Series are fine cables. I started with all Silver Series throughout my system and have sold and moved up to the Platinum’s. To my ears they just get out of the way, being very transparent, and throw a wide and deep stage. Have both the HC - High Current and Digital type and on digital components the Digital build do sound better. They don’t come up often on the used market but when they do, they move so grab them when you can or wait for Alex to have a sale.