Best 3-way or 4-way speaker under $15K

On the market for a new full range 3-way or 4-way dynamic speaker. Budget is $15K and under. Want to get the most live sound for my $$$.
You ought to check the Egglestonworks Andras. They are under $15 K if $14,900 counts, have a wonderful tweeter and midrange, and astonishing bass, and were Stereophile Class A until a few months ago (they drop components they have not recently heard). Best of all, they are visually striking, quite compact for their extraordinary sound front, and are designed to go within a foot or 18" of the rear walls. But they eat power--250 to 350 watts per channel are really necessary.
Check TAS review of Vandersteen 5s (now about $11K) by Robert Harley. Haven't personally heard them yet but will soon, and I'm already starting to save bucks:>). Cheers. Craig
try a pair of 2-ways & a pair of subs w/active cross-over. best bang for the buck, and also easiest to place, imho (if you have the space) - you can place the monitors for best imaging, & the subs for best bass response. and, monitors generally image better than full-range single-box speakers. you *do* want the monitors to go low - say to 40hz - so the x-over point can be as low as possible - say 60hz.
Thank you all for your responses. I have plenty of juice in my gear and a decent size room 20X18. I am surprised that I haven't heard B&W , Avalon or Snell? Any others? Very tough decison. Just want the best musical dynmaic, with decent bass but not sloppy. How about those Tyler Acoustics?