Best 3-way or 4-way speaker under $15K

On the market for a new full range 3-way or 4-way dynamic speaker. Budget is $15K and under. Want to get the most live sound for my $$$.
I had a chance to hear the new Verity Audio Avanti 3...retail 10k... and what I heard has me believing it will be special. My understanding is that this speaker will begin arriving in the US in Feb( there are currently ony two pair in the states...Sound by Singer in NYC and Immedia in Berkley CA). It is stunning to look at as well with a gracefully curved cabinet somewhat reminisent of the B&W design(you can go to the AP Germany site to see a picture...does not quite do them justice). My understanding is that this has been 2 years in the developing by Audio Physics and in their opinion represents a step forward in technology(driver design). Again from what I heard (great dynamics, great extension, excellent timbre and seemlees integration) I think they may be right. Oh yeah they are cheaper that 15k but I think they will compete well in that price category, let alone at their 10k price point.. Also I have nothing to do with AP and am not a dealer and do not own these speakers...yet.
Dunlavy V are a 4 way speaker. If you can handle their size they are one of the best. Audio Video logic has a Demo for 9K. They retail for 15K. I auditioned them with B&w and Vandersteen's. Dunlavy's walked away in sounstage and Dynamics. Also check out Wilson 6
I would definitely recommend the Nautilus Series, especially the 801 if you have the room or the 802. I would also recommend the Revel Salon. I own the 802's and love them. Other speakers mentioned here are very very good. I will depend on your musical taste.
How about the Proac response 2.5? Yes, I know its NOT a three way speaker. However, they sound wonderful, have the seamless presentation of a two-way, image like monitors, and give you extension all the way to 20hz. Best of both worlds.
Aerial 10t's, sound great, need lots of power and good cabling, components etc. Worth hearing at 8000$