LAIV Harmony

New company with a new product.  There are several "professional" reviews out there, but not much consumer input here or elsewhere.  Those that have been using now for over a month, what are your thoughts?  What were you using previously and how does it compare?


My biggest concern is the lack of a volume control.  What is the recommended way to remotely adjust the volume without altering the sound signature of the DAC?

@koestner Thanks for sharing your success story.  A 4 day delivery on the replacement board is indeed impressive.  I agree, I would much rather perform the repair myself than wait months for the unit to be repaired and returned.

@ervikingo Appreciate your input as you have owned quite the array of DACs in the past.  The "non-fatigue" factor is why I'm leaning R2R as well.

Keep us posted on your impressions as you put hours on your DACs.  Thanks!

@wengfai Thank you for introducing yourself.  Congratulations on the start-up of your new company and the success of the Harmony.  We appreciate the status update.  I see you have other products in development.  I'm looking forward to the introduction of your Streamer next year as well.

My biggest concern is the lack of a volume control.  What is the recommended way to remotely adjust the volume without altering the sound signature of the DAC?

@danager This passive pre was designed with you in mind…

Here’s one used…