Experiences With The Ikeda Arms?

Anyone have thoughts about the newest generation Ikeda arms? I am looking at the IT-345 CR-1 for my SOTA. I spoke with them and they say a reduced weight armband can be built to install this arm.

As I understand it the earlier Ikeda arms were a continuation and refinement of the Fidelity Research arms. Does this story still hold true for these new generation ones? 
Any thoughts or experiences you have to share would be appreciated. 


@neonknight  : Sorry but the forums are free for any one can post.


Btw, what in my two posts in this thread you did not like it. What and why? because I can't see nothing agressive against you in those posts, so your explanation is appreciated.


Dear @jperry : I just was looking your virtual system and was surprised that at very first sight I look a Luxman phonolinepreamp that I owned ( truly similar all unit exterior face plate and the wood box. ) the C 5000-A but reading in your site I read that only those is the similar between your unit and the one I owned because the C 5000-A is an all SS against your all tube design. Btw, the Suts in the C5000-A are stand alone plug-in external items and were silver wired and with gold connectors ( a beauty ) and like your unit very high quality, even those stand alone Suts Luxman offered in the market and if I remember models were 8020 and 8030. If I remember too one Agoner audiophile I think owned the C5000-A and is @theophile ( I think ? ).

dsc6664.jpg.webp (1500×997) (liquidaudio.com.au)

Very nice system you own.




Thanks for the compliment Raul. I also have a Luxman CL-35III which has the original plug in transformers. They may be the same as the SUT in the C-5000A.

I do have some SS amplification with a Nagra Classic amp. I usually use that in the summer.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry


@jperry :Luxman and specially Nagra ( professional/audiophile markets. ) were what Rolex in watch by its very high quality design and build excecution of that design.

Today even Nagra has a TT in the market.

Your today Luxman has the same kind of high quality than that vintage SS phonolinepreamp C 5000A when in Japan existed a challenged market not for specs as many audiophiles think but for high quality design/manufacturer

Where my Luxman is only an example of what Luxman had achieved to compete with the Pioneer Exclusive serie or the Sony ES/Esprit serie or the Yamaha M and C series or the Denon POA/PMA series all those japanese audio manufacturers were the in those times the today true High End. That  Luxman I paired with a Denon POA amplifier ( a beauty at sigth, ). My speakers were the Dalhquist DQM-9


All those manufacturers including Technics shared that were audio manufacturers of Integral Systems, this is that each one of them had in his catalogue for the market: speakers, cartridges, tonearms, turntables, amplifiers, phonolinepreamps and preamps/phono stages.


What an " OLD TIMES "for we MUSIC lovers/audiophiles. ! ! ! ! ! Great ones.




I forgot the stellar and more expensive ma<nufacturer that as Luxman exist today and is still  expensive: Accuphase, I still own one of its LOMC cartridges.

Accuphase was the top of the top in Japan audio world.
