Shocked removed spikes, used blue tack, what other non spike footer

My floor standing speakers, monitor stands always came with spikes so I used them always, it's the way they were designed at least I thought. I know everyone can't do this because of there floor type, mine is hardwood over concrete slab. Bass, more natural tone( I'm a tone junkie)  gives the music a nice rhythm, may just be flavor of month but I'm really enjoying it. Highs maybe little rolled off, I just did it yesterday, maybe not as hifi, but no lose of information. Have other people experienced this.Can someone with my floor type suggest a nice reasonable priced non spiked footer, these are floorstander filled with shot so pretty heavy,maybe 70- 80 lb. thanks


If ones' speakers are under 70 lbs., the GAIA III at $200 per set of four ($400 of course for a pair of speakers) is not TOO bad, I guess (assuming the loudspeakers are good enough to warrant advanced isolation). But the GAIA II will set you back $600 for 8, which is only 50 bucks less than a pair of the new Magnepan LRS speakers. And a set of the GAIA I is $1200, which will buy a pair of LRS' and subs.

But for $200, one set of the GAIA III might earn its' keep underneath a turntable, as Art Dudley just discovered.

'LIGO must be at least 99.999% mechanically decoupled from Earth to be sensitive enough to detect gravity waves."


What on Gods green earth are 'gravity waves'?????  From my study of physics, gravity is a constant force that exists in proportion to an objects mass. Thereby it is a constant for any given object. For gravity to be a wave the mass would have to vary at the frequency of the many objects do you know of that their mass or weight fluctuates in a wave-like fashion? Sorry not buying this concept at all.

Wow, you had to go back to a 5 year old thread to find something more to complain about?

Vandersteen has footers for his speakers.....I'm using them - cheap and an improvement

Wow, you had to go back to a 5 year old thread to find something more to complain about?

Necro-thread revival festival?