Kondo DAC : Why no reviews ??

I am surprised that one of the best DACs in hifi, the Kondo DAC has no/very little review in the press. Why is that so ? I dont even get to read more than a few user opinions. What is the mystery ?

Have any of you heard it ? Please share your views on this DAC and how does it compare to other good DACs like the Audio Note 4.1X, Playback Design and the likes ?
Well you know it's nice to have a good car instead of a budget beater and it's nice to have a good digital player instead of a $180 OPPO or NAD but I can't afford a Lamborghini or a Kondo nor can most people on the planet. Now a fairly new Caddie and a Marantz SA 8400 gets me to pretty darn good. I admit if I was rich I'd be getting the best whatever that is.
Rich does not equal the best quality nor the best in taste. It just means they spend more money.

Is it finally proper 24/96 at least? 20 bit DAC chips from yesteryear don’t cut it anymore...