Would changing to a MC solve my problem?

Not getting enough gain with my Hegel V10 phono stage. I have a MM cart at the moment. 

The question is this:

Would a MC cart with .4mV and phono stage with 66db of gain play louder than a MM with an output of 2.4mV and Gain of 46dB?
I'm sure there are calculators out there, but haven't found them yet. 


Again, the only thing I changed was the phono stage which was a Musical Surroundings Phonomena, and now the Hegel V-10.

Only analog and a digital input, no other sources.

Ok, the only one not mentioned is the cart which is a Soundsmith Zephyr III with about 60 hrs on it. Not a Moving Magnet, but the instructions have you set it as such.

It looks like either the phono stage needs to change our I need to switch to a MC.

Traudio, both Raul and I are trying to help but you don’t seem to pay attention. What linestage are you using? (That’s my question.) IMO, unless you dislike the Hegel on other grounds, the last thing you need to do to solve the particular problem at hand is to dump the Hegel.

2.4mv output. Sounds like a Soundsmith cartridge output. I have one that outputs the same. It’s great cartridge yet annoying to match up gain wise due to its in between output. Running it, via the phono pre, to my Coda 07x was no issue due to  the 07X having input level matching capability. The new pre being used does not have that feature. Kind of annoying.

There is no perfect world….

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