iFi LAN iSilencer connection

This can be plugged into the router or the streamer. My guess is it would be better plugged into the router if you have a well shielded ethernet cable.

Is there a preferred method or no difference?  




I don‘t think you know enough about network specifics in an audio setting and hence I suggest you read up on ground level as well as RMI/EFI borne noise travelling along the bits. Or benefits of galvanic isolation. Or even better: try it out. Over and out.

@antigrunge2 so educate me. RF noise affects all types of data. If that is the case, transmission of plain test files would be affected. You do know that no stream is transmitted point to point or as a complete file. Everything on the net is sliced, diced, and send in packets possible routed via different servers and switches. Noise may affect contents but then data is discarded and retransmitted. In no way receiver ever gets different bits than stored on the server.

Router does not know if data is music, your kid game stream or your wife web browsing. Or should Amazon place an order for millions of silencers, cryogenic Ethernet cables for their data centers? They handle lots of music you know. That Tidal does not run its own servers. Amazon, Microsoft, Google. All on 1 cent Ethernet cables… how do they manage?

Trivial experiment. Copy a music file to a cloud of your choice. Now copy it back 1000 times. Did any copy came back different?

Circular, pointless argument. It's my post...please end it here.

Thank you to those that contributed.