Great Interview-

Another great  Rick Beato interview. However at 46 minutes in the discussion touches upon how high end home audio is a complete waste of money.

Whats interesting is ...Bonamassa has an incredible guitar and guitar amp collection worth millions...but he and Rick think that high end audio gear is a complete waste of money. Why do musicians look down upon high end audio gear ? I don't get it.


I agree with boomerbillone and bolong. As a musician, most bandmembers aren't interested in high end systems. They are usually busy and writing or learning songs, and rehearsing. They are content listening to songs on anything they have. the sound of the equipment doesn't matter. If you went to a class and the teacher was talking to you, would you feel disappointed they weren't speaking to you through a high end PA system?


I am an audiophile because my father was into high end audio and that started me.

If you have been watching Beato lately, he is on a rant about musicians not being paid enough because of streaming fiscal policies and the slow-mo death of the live performance. It would suit his and Bonamassa's angst to berate anything that wasn't "live" and that focused instead on appreciating music from the privacy of your own home.