anyone familiar?

Saw a reference to this site out of CA. Been in business 10 +years and design, build and sell Made in USA D power amps at good prices with seemingly lots of happy users. Anyone familiar with their products and sound quality? Strike me as very similar to Starkerimson, Wyred4Sound, others. Anyone heard one?


I own the Mini GaN 5 400W Gallium Nitride Audio Amplifier. For the price along with a 15 day trial period I could not pass up the opportunity to see what it sounded like. For the price its a no brainer and in my opinion, with my equipment I believe it sounds very good, and I personally have found no faults with it. No, I don't use it on a regular basis, at times I switch out one of my regular amps with the Mini. I also find it nice to have on hand just incase I need a back up. By the way I've been told their Mini Monoblocks sound even better, I see they are currently on sale.

Lot of amp for the money. Too bad they couldn't make them a little more attractive.


Yeah, aesthetics is not remotely a strong point. I'm curious for the high power which my Ohm Walshs are supposed to love. Also as a backup Amp or matched to a Rogue tube pre I'm looking at. I was thinking about the  Orchard products but the Gan aspect intrigued me. Not sure how the 15 days works as usit takes 5 minimal just to get to me.