Beatles MOFI collection brand new when it came out 40 or so years ago for about $250. Would never sell it....Probably worth $1500-$2000 in the NM condition it is in. My Dark Side or Set Pepper UHQRs may be worth in that range and only paid $35-40 for them when they came out. Would never sell them....
Paying for rarity is different than paying for audiophile quality. I would not pay for rarity as almost always, any excellent music is either available as a reissue or is in the works. I am sure the availability of the new Aja UHQR (which is the best sounding record I own) will make the Cisco version take a hit on the resale market for audiophiles (probably not collectors).
If you're collecting records and not playing them, you might as well collect stamps or coins... Records are made to be played and enjoyed. Just like cars.