Hi inna, thanks for the topic,
Most of my audio life has been moving from place to place for my chosen work. My existing dedicated studio is a great sonic challenge 10' x 7 1/2' x 10'. Prior was a heavily worked large space...large monitors, a full-blown SOTA Star Sapphire turntable (post Allen Perkins/Spiral Groove w/Fidelity Research 64fx arm)...this was my GoN sold Nova active preamp
Nova Electro-Acoustics CPA-100 Stereo Prea... For Sale | Audiogon (audiogonstaging.com)
...amp was an Electrocompanied Ampliwire II, a sweet overachiever.
If interested, elsewhere here, one can follow my journey into the digital world. Room tuning includes GIK, ATS Acoustics and DIY open cell foam. Precise, expertly applied DSP (thanks Mike) and the BACCH Plug-In bring this room to a level I'd never dreamt possible, far beyond the vinyl rig above.
These last dozen years, despite having my close friend Thurson's costly dream systems in a huge space with which to compare, both vinyl sourced and digital, I am truly contented. Yes, if cost were no object, I would have multiple sized rooms. Yet, for my flavors, this system can deliver ANY form of music, and, I'm highly eclectic...Mahler and Beethoven, Feat, Cooder, Eva, Mutter, Evans, Blue Highway, period choral, Mingus and beyond. Thanks, Mom, for instilling..."...where there is a will, there's a way."
More Peace! Pin Happy Juneteenth! (bold print for old eyes)