Wadia 170i transport experience?

Looking for input on the wadia 170i. I currently have a nakamichi av-10 and am planning in the future to get the parasound a51 and halo c3 or hdp-70. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
I'll accept the assignment, but it will have to wait a bit. I'll keep y'all posted when I do.

Joe in Mobile
I like the convenience of use of my Wadia 170i - I replaced my Reimyo 777 CDP for a Wadia 170i/Reimyo DAC combo (that happens to be exactly the same DAC of my Reimyo 777 CD ) and.... I do not miss the CDP at all.

Caveat - I use a quite expensive Siltech coax cable from the Wdia to the Reimyo to really get closer enough to my original digital source.

Saying that - it is not as convenient as having either a Mac or an AppleTV as digital storage the Wadia's emote has very limited functionality and the iPOD screen is far away from my listeining chair to really see what is playing.

and... do not forget that only WAV files are acceptable for proper reproduction.

and... do not forget that only WAV files are acceptable for proper reproduction.
An opinion I do not agree with, nor many others, though an endless debate.
Flg2001 said:
"and... do not forget that only WAV files are acceptable for proper reproduction."

With a good upsampling DAC and precise clock, error corrected Apple Lossless can't be distinguished from the original WAV files.

Dave - I originally had all my music library in Apple Lossless format - and it was very listenable and close to my reference - the Reimyo CDP777 at that time. I am sure that many will be more than well served with this format in their iPODS listening thru the 170i.

Converting those files to WAV (only those files ripped from CDs as we know, since iTUNES downloads are not HiRez yet) gave me a little extra definition in the upper frequencies (just a tad) and placed it closer to the Reimyo at the expense of the files size.
