Subwoofer placement - back or front of room?

Or does it really matter?

Presently I have a 12 inch subwoofer located in the back of the room. In light of the nature of the waves being spread throughout the room I'm trying to figure out if moving them to the front of the room might be better or maybe it doesn't make any difference.  My main speakers don't have a problem creating bass so it's not like the room will be out of balance and maybe front loading all bass creation at the front of the room might not be such a good idea.

It's hard moving the subwoofer all around so this is an important decision.

Ideally maybe it would be Best to suspend the subwoofer from ceiling pointing straight down - wonder if that's ever been done before?




Go onto internet and find one of the 3-D room mode graphs. Put in your room’s dimensions, and look on the graph for your room’s low pressure zones. Try your sub in any of those locations. That’s the way to minimize your room’s (any and all rooms) ability to produce standing waves, which create bloated, booming bass.

As the graph will illustrate, the worst location is always in room corners. Second worse is where any two room structure surfaces meet---floor and wall, ceiling and wall, wall and wall. That’s why bass traps are always placed first in corners---that’s the highest bass pressure zone in all rooms.


"The sub is hard to move around", but you ask about suspending it from the ceiling?

Come on, place it where it sounds the best.


I have found that the subwoofer aiming directly at the listening position enhances the impact and punch.