Ebay selling my missing amplifier

8 months ago I sent an amplifier to europe for upgrades. The amp went missing and there were investigations that went unresolved. I happened to be searching on ebay and noticed the amp and when I magnified it Bingo the serial number was same. It is an ebay seller store that is listing it. Ebay has not yet responded after several attempts. What next?


The Ebay listing says it cannot be shipped outside the US, wondering out loud if there was a problem shipping it outside the country and that is how they came to possess it.

wow specializing on reselling lost shipments LOL that sounds very conspired!!

Let's say I'm either UPS or FedEx or any other shipping company guy and I can "lose" a couple of valuable shipments in favor of the company that buys them out. I wonder what they can offer for "lost" muscle cars?

@czarivey here’s the way it works. If you ship something and say have $1,000 insurance from Fedex and then they lose it, they pay off. You set the value, they pay it(after alot of fighting and arguing), in effect you sold it. 

I’ll take a guess that the OP underinsured his shipment and whatever he got paid for the gear didnt come close to making him whole.