Denafrips Pontus *15th* ?

Hi guys, 

I'm confused (doesn't take a lot 🤔)

I ordered a new Pontus 12th-1 direct from Vinshine about 8/9 days ago; it was delivered this morning, but, it wasn't a Pontus 12th-1 I unboxed - it was a Pontus 15th????

I had no idea, and haven't come across, or read anything that there was a new version coming.

I've emailed Vinshine, but with the time difference, they're probably all tucked up in bed right now in Singapore; while I wait for a response, does anyone else have a clue about this "15th" version?

I'd post a picture of the front panel, but I have no idea how to upload photos on A'gon

Thanks for reading 👍


The Terminator 15th is listed on the Denafrips site at $6,099.00 - a 24% increase.

They should have given it a new name this time..the Penetrator dac, new and improved....Costs 24%more, but comes with more girth and length...the Penetrator...the d..d...d...dac you've always wanted. Oh yeah...

I am more concerned why they changed the warranty from three years to one year.


I've still no idea what is going on with Denafrips/Vinshine; I'm not sure if there actually is a parting of ways, as down in the shipping notes on the Denafrips site, the notes reference Vinshine several times re: EU and UK VAT/Duty, so nope, no idea what's going on.

Regardless, the Pontus II 15th is a lovely, lovely sounding piece of kit. I won't go into hyperbole, except to say it gives everything the Ares 12th-1 did, but much more if it.

The DAC the Ares and now Pontus has kept off my rack since Jan/Feb is the Cen Grand DSDAC 1.0 Super Clock, which converts all PCM to DSD, up to DSD 1024 and a fine DAC, which was almost twice the price of the Pontus; but the Pontus is just streets ahead in terms of emotional engagement compared to the Cen Grand.

I've never owned a previous Pontus version, so can't compare, but the 15th is staying put; no complaints at all 👍