Vibration Control

Why do solid state audio electronics with no moving parts need or benefit from vibration control? 

It makes perfect sense that turntables, CD transports, R2R tape decks, loudspeakers & tubed electronics (w/ potentially micro phonic tubes) might all benefit from various methods of vibration control or mitigation but I don’t see why anything else would. Any thoughts??


It always has a positive effect, the key question is how much does it improve the sound you hear and how much does it cost and are you willing to spend. Anyone who denies it either is just plain stubborn of cannot hear properly. Or maybe their equipment is somehow already isolated well enough for it to not make much of a difference (highly doubtful).

It is the easiest thing to test/compare. In my experience, I've had the most improvement with my turntable (by far the biggest change), then my speakers, then my amp and lastly my preamp. Supposedly, it even helps with the a power/line conditioner, but I haven't reached that deepest end of the insanity yet (or fuses, or contact fluid or super expensive cables).


As with so much in high end audio & often life, there’s so many differing opinions & Often no definitive science as to why.  Added to this, we all hear & perceive things differently & have different tastes. This is sort of similar to solid state amps generally measuring better than tubed ones but often don’t sound as good. Thanks everyone for all your responses. Fun stuff!

Analogj why would you say ignorance. I would suggest that if you tried things on your system that you don’t know why that’s Ignorance.

there is a engineering rational for the reasons which were mentioned. So what’s the  premise that your cD transport would benefit from vibration isolation.

OP.. it is beneficial in this hifi game to try and listen instead of trying to “understand “ you only dig yourself a deep hole trying to “prove” or “understand” many things in this world esp music and hifi…The first time I saw The Dead I dropped acid and listened….. Trying to understand the experience would have been pointless to me…